Over the past few months, rumours were rife that Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh will tie the knot in November this year. Few reports suggested that the two, who met on the sets of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Ram Leela, have chosen Lake Como in Italy as the destination for their wedding. Moreover, details about the guest list which consists of only 30 people, too had surfaced. It was being reported that a pooja will take place at Deepika Padukone's Bengaluru home 10 days prior to their marriage. But all of it seems to have taken a back burner, as a fresh report by Republic TV suggests that DeepVeer have pushed their wedding date.
Yes, you read that right! As per the leading television channel, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have made themselves available during the heavy wedding season and this has led to the speculation that the alleged couple will exchanged wedding vows in the early months of 2019. The report further states that rumours surrounding their November wedding had gained momentum, as the two had declined number of events and offers to take place during the same period. Well, that's it, if this report is anywhere close to the truth, we are quite disappointed and so will be their fans who have been waiting excitedly for their impending wedding.
On the professional front, Deepika has not signed any project post her stint in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Padmaavat, which released in January this year. Though, Ranveer has couple of films lined up which include, Simmba opposite Sara Ali Khan, Karan Johar's multistarrer Takht, 83 which is based on Indian cricket team's 1993 world cup and Zoya Akhtar's Gully Boy featuring Alia Bhatt.
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